Friday, October 24, 2008


Lately I have had to fuss at seems like all day every day. I try every technique I can think of. He doesn't do anything I tell or ask him to do, when not long ago he was the most obedient two year old anyone had ever seen. I try and choose my battles....situations where he could get hurt easily or when he is too rough with Hylan. Well, I digress. He does have his very cute moments though. He has started noticing school buses. If he sees one, all I hear is, "Ride school bus, mommy!" That lasts for about ten minutes at least. It's loud and a bit irritating but just so stinking cute. I have to explain that he's not old enough to ride the school but yet. He can ride it when he's five, but right now he's only two.

He cooks every day. He wants to cook all day...he has thrown quite a few fits kicking on the kitchen floor this week because he hasn't been able to continue cooking after I or my mom or Than was done. He couldn't stand that all I did was put in some chicken fries for lunch today. He wanted to cook! When it's not cooking it's, "Pay awu, Mommy!" which translated is play in the water....the kitchen sink with measuring cups and bowls. We let him do this fairly often, but now he wants to play as soon as we wakes up. Too bad he doesn't understand. I try not to fuss too much but just find him something else to do. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. We are prepping for a higher than normal water bill.

I love my little Xanderman. He drives me nuts, but he is wonderful. I can't imagine my days without him. I miss him every time I go out without him (I miss Hylan too, of course). I just keep telling myself that he won't be two forever and I want to shout for joy and cry at the same time.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I read an article the other day saying that at a child's half birthday they change like that and then when they are ready for another birthday they fall back to their normal happy selves. Wierd but it made since it me. It was in this months issue of"Parenting" magizine. Anyway it isn't you it is him totally!! Good luck though.