Friday, October 31, 2008

Trunk or Treat

My big-boy robot. He loved his costume. I think it will be a dress-up now.

My little lion

Some cookies my mom mixed up, Xander and I cut out, and I quickly decorated. Not my best work, but they sure were yummy.

Hylan likes to ride on Daddy's shoulders. Than enjoys it too, even though he doesn't look like it in this picture.

All of us in front of our trunk

My sister's dog, Leo. He was actually the boys' favorite part of the trunk or treat.

Xander getting some candy. He had finally warmed up to it by this time.

Before we went. They actually smiled at the same time!

For Halloween, we took the boys to a Trunk or Treat at the other ward in the county. Xander was very hesitant, but started getting into by about the last three cars. There were two or three he wouldn't go near because either the people or the trunk was too scary for him. We decided to participate and we, with some help from my sister and brother-in-law, decorated our trunk and passed out candy. I took the boys around, and Than manned the van. Here are a few Halloween pictures.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Pleasant Day

Well, Xander's fits haven't been quite as bad the past couple of days, but they are still quite frequent. I have gotten better at handling them and diverting his attention. I went with my mom to Jackson today to the wig and hat shop. Xander thought it was pretty neat, especially the light switches low enough for him to reach. Oh well, the shoplady was nice about it, and she gave him an empty box and bag to play with. I don't know why, but he enjoyed them.
A little later my mom got a soda and let Xander have a little. You know those little buttons on the top of the lid. Of course, he loves to push those. What child doesn't? Anyway, today I heard him counting one, two, fee, fo. He was counting the buttons. He usually doesn't like counting; he just likes to tell you the name of the numbers when he sees them, so I was pretty excited. My mother also got some popcorn and a cookie. She shared with the boys. Hylan actually unzipped her purse and got one of the cookies out. It was pretty funny. Hylan really enjoyed the popcorn too. I think he might turn into an addict like Than. He got crazy happy eyes when he saw the popcorn. We had a nice day out, even when Xander saw the Wendy's and Taco Bell signs and said those words over and over all the way home (an hour's drive). He's growing up so fast. He also loves Wal-Mart signs and trucks. Mall-Mart tucks are the best.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Lately I have had to fuss at seems like all day every day. I try every technique I can think of. He doesn't do anything I tell or ask him to do, when not long ago he was the most obedient two year old anyone had ever seen. I try and choose my battles....situations where he could get hurt easily or when he is too rough with Hylan. Well, I digress. He does have his very cute moments though. He has started noticing school buses. If he sees one, all I hear is, "Ride school bus, mommy!" That lasts for about ten minutes at least. It's loud and a bit irritating but just so stinking cute. I have to explain that he's not old enough to ride the school but yet. He can ride it when he's five, but right now he's only two.

He cooks every day. He wants to cook all day...he has thrown quite a few fits kicking on the kitchen floor this week because he hasn't been able to continue cooking after I or my mom or Than was done. He couldn't stand that all I did was put in some chicken fries for lunch today. He wanted to cook! When it's not cooking it's, "Pay awu, Mommy!" which translated is play in the water....the kitchen sink with measuring cups and bowls. We let him do this fairly often, but now he wants to play as soon as we wakes up. Too bad he doesn't understand. I try not to fuss too much but just find him something else to do. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. We are prepping for a higher than normal water bill.

I love my little Xanderman. He drives me nuts, but he is wonderful. I can't imagine my days without him. I miss him every time I go out without him (I miss Hylan too, of course). I just keep telling myself that he won't be two forever and I want to shout for joy and cry at the same time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So, I think Xander has officially outgrown his sandbox. He still enjoys it though.
Xander has an array of toys that he sleeps with at night. These are two of his favorites, and they are always kept together. Frog and lizard are a pair.
This is the first Jack-O-Lantern we've had since I was pregnant with Xander. He thought its guts were yudty (yucky). It's supposed to be a redneck. Maybe you'll be able to tell better once he's lit up....maybe not.
Than and I went on a date this weekend. We went and saw Eagle Eye. We were both very impressed.
There's our sweet little Hylan. He's been rather sick this week. Three trips to the ER and one to the pediatrician. Three blood drawings, two shots, and one catheter later, he is doing much better. We will find out tomorrow exactly what the problem was.
He's getting so big. He loves balls, cars, and dogs. Those things can really get him moving. He's trying to get to his Aunt Maddi's dog Leo in this picture.
A few other things from the past week. Than fixed the toilet and the sink in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure he did some more handy work that I just can't think of right now. We had a nice laugh about having to go to Home Depot five times in one day. Luckily, it's right down the road. I made an entire meal with vegetables and everything all by myself. Sadly that is an accomplishment. Than loved it. I actually have been cooking alot lately. Xander has been talking more and more in full or almost full sentences. He still uses one word and two words though. He can recognize and name A-F of the alphabet. Hylan and Xander have been having screaming contests lately. It's no fun for me but lots of fun for them. It's really cute. Hylan has also learned to shake his head and thinks it's just hilarious. I can't believe he's 8 months old already.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Swing that Than (and his dad) Built

Than's parents have been in Louisiana for the past few weeks doing hurricane clean-up and repair. Lucky for us, they were right near by, and they have gotten to visit us. Mike kindly asked if there were any projects around the house that we needed done, so we found one. Than needed a little help getting a swing built for the boys. We all ended up missing some of conference, unfortunately, but Xander and Hylan now have a great swing that Daddy and Grandpa built, and we all spent a great day outside in the cooler weather. My dad even did some yard work. It's been a good day. Oh yeah, the talks I did hear were wonderful, and I heard some things I needed to hear. Buckle down tomorrow.
This is how it started.

This was the end result. I love how it turned out. The swingset isn't crooked, just my picture taking and the yard are. We have also lowered Xander's swing. Hylan was asleep at this time and tried it out a little later in the day.

These are just some pretty flowers that are blooming in our yard right now. Yay for October in Mississippi!